#PsalmoftheDay PSALM 103:11

As the heavens are high above the earth, 

so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him.

PSALM 103:11

Adversity can be handled one of two ways. 

Either you can deal with it on your own, 

or you can allow God to carry your burden for you. 

The first requires human strength and effort, 

which are rarely sufficient in handling grievous trials. 

Heartache erodes human ability.

The wiser course of action is to allow God to handle your adversity. 

His ability to provide goes beyond our greatest imagination. 

He is the God who has the ability to calm every storm.



Into His Presence


#psalmoftheday #psalms bible,Bibleverse,Bibleverseoftheday,#JesusisLord,#JesusDailyQuotes


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