Hearts On Fire | New Creation Worship

Hearts On Fire | New Creation Worship


Hearts On Fire | New Creation Worship


Available on the Anthem Of Grace album:

iTunes | http://bit.ly/AnthemOfGrace-iTunes

Spotify | http://bit.ly/AnthemOfGrace-Spotify

Amazon | http://bit.ly/AnthemOfGrace-Amazon

CD Baby | http://bit.ly/AnthemOfGrace-cdb



You shine Your light into my night

You set my feet to dancing

Faith is arising as I look upon Your grace


Jesus, Your name, shattering chains

Shadows cannot resist Your light

O Lord You raised my soul from ashes into life


Pour out Your grace like a flood

You fill my life with greater glory

Your love’s changing my heart

Jesus to You be all the glory



Let Your name be lifted high


Your grace has set my heart on fire


Set me ablaze, with passion and praise

Jesus, You’ve destined me to reign

Your power alive in me has overcome the grave


CCLI: 7036236


#AnthemOfGrace #NewCreationWorship #nccsg

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